Decreasing Child Support

Aug 12, 2020 | By Fischer & Van Thiel, CP | San Marcos, CA
Decreasing Child Support

Decreasing Child Support

After a divorce, one of the most important decisions couples make is determining child custody along with child support payments to pay for the child’s care. Many single parents need child support payments to stay financially stable, but there are times when the supporting parent’s lifestyle may change, and he or she can no longer continue paying the agreed-upon payment amount. In these cases, he or she may need to petition to lower the amount he or she provides in child support payments.

If you or a loved one needs to learn more about child support payments and how you can decrease them, contact the San Diego child support lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, at 858-935-6211 and schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.

How to Decrease Child Support Payments

There are a few options for parents who cannot afford to pay child support. The state of California’s child support agency does not change child support orders automatically, but a parent can request for the state to lessen his or her payments based on a review of his or her present situation. Child support payments can be modified for any of the following reasons:

  • A decrease in parent’s earned wages
  • Change in child custody
  • Modification in time spent with each parent

Due to a number of reasons, you may need to decrease your child support payments in order to make ends meet, and in order to do so, you may need experienced legal assistance.

Contact Us

Contact the child support lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, at (760) 757-6854 today and let us help you in your time of need.