Spousal Support (Alimony) in Divorce Cases

Aug 12, 2020 | By Fischer & Van Thiel, CP | San Marcos, CA
Spousal Support (Alimony) in Divorce Cases


In some divorce cases, the court orders one spouse to provide financial support for the other. This is known as alimony. An effective litigator can lower or increase the amount depending on the circumstances. The amount may vary based on the following factors:

  • Marriage length
  • Spouses’ health and age
  • Spouses’ financial resources
  • Debts (if any)
  • Taxes involved in the support

An attorney experienced with spousal support/alimony disputes from the law office of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, will ensure that an accurate record of your marital history will be represented to help determine the amount of spousal support awarded. It’s common practice for spousal support to be contested in the court. This is why having one of our attorneys by your side can make the situation easier. Whether you are the one providing support or are the one who is supported, an attorney’s guidance can make a difference.

Alimony Modification

Deciding on spousal support, or alimony is often one of the most contentious aspects of any divorce. Alimony is a payment made by an individual to his or her ex-spouse in order to help him or her maintain a standard of living that is similar to what he or she enjoyed in the marriage. However, it is important for all individuals to understand that the amount of alimony payments decided upon in a divorce hearing can be changed in some circumstances.

Modifying Your Alimony Payments

Alimony payments can be either increased or decreased and in most states, an individual must prove a significant change in his or her situation to be granted an alimony modification.  Alimony can be modified if either party has been injured or disabled and is unable to work, fired or let go from their job, has to pay expensive medical bills, has an unexpected rise in their cost of living, or suddenly comes into more money.  The San Diego alimony attorneys at Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, can assist you in determining alimony modifications.

Contact Us

Many people have questions regarding the modification of their alimony payments, and the knowledgeable lawyers at Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, are ready to answer your questions. Contact the San Marcos Alimony Lawyers of Fischer & Van Thiel, LLP, at (760) 757-6854.

  •  Factors That Can End Or Prevent Alimony Payments
  •  Alimony Modification
  • Understanding Temporary Alimony
  • Permanent And Periodic Alimony
  • Calculating Alimony
  • What Is Alimony?
  • Taxing Alimony
  • Palimony
  • General Information About Alimony

The above articles are aimed at providing information regarding alimony. For any topics or questions not covered, contact one of our attorneys.
